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At GT Sport Psychology we offer a variety of services. Feel free to get in contact with us today to discuss how we can work with you! 

1-1 individual consultancy sessions are tailor made to suit you and your needs. They are a great way to learn new mental skills and techniques and explore ways to help you reach the next level within your sport. Training or competition observation sessions are also offered. Sessions can take place in person at your training centre, or online via Skype or Zoom. Sessions last 45 minutes and prices start from £70.00. Student discount available if applicable.


Squad sessions are aimed at providing sport psychology support within your whole squad. These sessions often include working with coaches, captains and support staff and are a bespoke package consisting off 1-1 sessions, group workshop sessions and training and competition observation. These sessions are aimed at improving cohesion within your squad, creating team values and goals and developing leadership and communication skills which are vital for success.





Workshop sessions are an interactive and engaging way of providing information and introducing common sport psychology topics to your group (e.g. confidence or motivation). Workshops are aimed at sports clubs, schools, colleges or universities and are tailored to fit the needs and interests of the group. They can also be adapted to provide engaging sessions for coaches, parents and other club staff to help them to integrate sport psychology into their work with athletes. Prices start from £100.

Workshop sessions are an interactive and engaging way of providing information and introducing common sport psychology topics to your group (e.g. confidence or motivation). Workshops are aimed at sports clubs, schools, colleges or universities and are tailored to fit the needs and interests of the group. They can also be adapted to provide engaging sessions for coaches, parents and other club staff to help them to integrate sport psychology into their work with athletes. Prices start from £100.


Complete the form below for an informal free discussion around the support you require

Thanks for your interest in working with GT Sport Psychology!

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